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what to do when furnace stops working

Most furnaces work well until it gets frigid and then shuts down. Furnace breakdowns can even get worse when you do not know the exact cause of the problem. What can cause a furnace to stop working? Discover seven easy ways to troubleshoot your furnace.

It takes much time to resolve some of the issues by yourself. That is why it is essential to make sure that you know what might have possibly caused your furnace to stop working, blow cold air, or even leak water. So what can cause a furnace to stop working? Let’s see and maybe get to see what you can do to fix the situation.

Common Problems That Can Cause Your Furnace to Stop Working

Some of these problems are simple and can be fixed by just adjusting a single control. In contrast, others are very complex, and they will strictly require you to call in a professional to check and correct them. 

When it is complicated, you may need to replace certain parts (or maybe the entire system). In these situations, it’s best to call a professional HVAC technician as soon as possible.

Other times, the problem may only be minor. In these minor cases, you should be able to resolve the issue yourself.

Some of the most common problems include the following;

The thermostat

A faulty thermostat can make your furnace switch itself off. If this is the case, call a professional to replace it.

However, it doesn’t have to be a malfunctioning thermostat to shut the heating system down. For instance, the “Heat” setting might be off. Moreover, the batteries may be dead, or you set the temperature too low.

A tripped circuit breaker

The circuit breaker is the only bridge if the electric current flows into the furnace parts that are responsible for igniting the furnace. They include the igniters, which cannot start the flame unless there is an electric current. So if the circuit breaker has tripped, that means that there is no flow of current to the igniters and other parts that require an electric current to run.

The circuit breaker needs to be reset to get working again. However, suppose it is a problem, and it does not change anything by resetting. In that case, there may be a problem with the electrical section of the furnace.

Incorrect positioning of the access panel

Some parts of the access panel might not be n their correct places. Some components of the access panel are automat d, and they can cause the whole system not to work when they are not in their proper order. 

So this necessitates the whole access panel to be checked thoroughly. Some parts might need a professional eye to fix, while others need to be set back in place for them to start the whole furnace system. Be sure to inspect the access panel properly before going to any other part.

A clogged air filter

A clogged air filter obstructs airflow in and out of the furnace, which results in the furnace shutting off. Replace the clogged filter immediately. 

Dirty burners

If the burners are dirty, the gas will not come out well, which might lead the system not to start. You need to clean the burners carefully and the burner chamber using a vacuum and a soft-bristled brush. 

First, you will need the while electric and gas system off. Then, access the combustion chamber, detach all the connections to the burners, and get them clean. However, since this is a critical operation, you might need to call in a professional to do it for you if you are not sure. Detaching is not a big issue, but fixing might be the biggest issue. Faulty limit switch

The limit switch monitors the temperature around the room and regulates it by starting or stopping the furnace. When the limit switch is faulty, it can misread the surroundings and cause the furnace to stop. You might need to replace the switch entirely or get a professional to come and get it fixed.

Un-lubricated furnace parts

Lubricate all moving parts of the furnace. If they are not lubricated, there might be a build-up of heat from friction which might stress up the furnace and cause it to stop running. All you need to do is make sure your motor and any other moving parts of your furnace are well lubricated.

What Can Cause a Furnace to Stop Working – A Final Word

It is always important to know what the problem might be with your furnace. Some issues are easy to fix, while others will need a technician to fix them. 

You will need to the problems so that the furnace can perform at its best. Additionally, we advise that you regularly maintain your furnace so that it operates for a long time, and such problems will be minimal. 

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